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Mushroom band-aid.

The Birch Polypore (Piptoporus betulinus).

This chunky chap is a Birch Polypore fungus. You’ll see it everywhere if you’re in the woods and perhaps not realise that what you’re looking at is a genuine natural first aid kit.

Here I’ve made a sticking plaster from its surface (it’s self-adhesive dontchaknow!) but there’s so much more to it.

Numerous medical studies have revealed that this unassuming blob contains antibiotic, antifungal, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, AND anticancer properties.

On top of that it can be used to sharpen knives, carry fire embers for hours, and offers up some camp fire comfort when used as a pillow.

When they found the 5000 year old preserved remains of Iceman Otzi a few years back he had several of these in his bag. Seems Otzi knew something that we’re only just beginning to understand. Nice one bach 👍

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